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Amazon S3

What is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 is a web-based cloud storage platform. It is one of the primary file storage locations on the Analytical Platform, alongside individual users’ home directories.

When working in Analytical Platform IDE tools, you should use your home directory to store working copies of code and analytical outputs. Where possible, you should store all data and final analytical outputs in Amazon S3, and final code in GitHub to facilitate collaboration.

Data stored in Amazon S3 can be seamlessly integrated with other AWS services such as Amazon Athena and Amazon Glue.

Working with Amazon S3 buckets

There are 2 parts to an S3 bucket: the bucket itself, and the bucket keys (similar to a file path). For example, data might be stored in a moj_ap_project_output bucket, and the files you are working on are in the project_output/latest/ ‘folder’ within the bucket (matching the /project_output/latest/* key pattern).

Amazon S3 buckets are separated into two categories on the Analytical Platform.

Warehouse data sources

Warehouse data sources are used to store data that is accessed by code you run yourself, for example, in RStudio or JupyterLab. You can create warehouse data sources yourself and can provide access to other users you need to collaborate with.

Webapp data sources

Webapp data sources are used to store data that is accessed by code run by the Analytical Platform, for example by deployed apps or by Airflow pipelines. You cannot create webapp data sources yourself – you must ask the Analytical Platform team to create one on your behalf.

If you request that a webapp data source is created when setting up a new app, the app will automatically be given read-only access. You will also be given admin access to the bucket and can provide access to other users you need to collaborate with.

The Data Engineering team also manage some buckets that are not shown in the Control Panel and that are not available to standard users. These buckets are used to store incoming raw data, which may be processed or fed into curated data pipelines. For more information, contact the Data Engineering team on the #ask-data-engineering Slack channel.

You can view the data sources you have access to in the Control Panel Warehouse data tab.

Create a new warehouse data source

You can only create new warehouse data sources in the Analytical Platform Control Panel. You cannot create new buckets directly in the Amazon S3 console.

To create a new warehouse data source:

  1. Go to the Analytical Platform Control Panel.
  2. Select the Warehouse data tab.
  3. Select Create new warehouse data source.
  4. Enter a name for the warehouse data source – this must be prefixed with ‘alpha-’.
  5. Select Create data source.

When you create a new warehouse data source, only you will initially have access. As an admin of the data source, you will be able to add and remove other users from the data access group as required. Further information on managing data access groups can be found here.

Data access levels

Every bucket has three data access levels:

  • Read only
  • Read/write
  • Admin – this provides read/write access and allows the user to add and remove other users from the bucket’s data access group

Path-specific access

As well as choosing an access level, you can also restrict a user’s access to specific paths in a bucket by entering each path on a new line in the ‘Paths’ textarea field when adding the user to a data access group, taking care not to leave an empty new line after the last path. For example:


This would give the user access to only /folder-one and /folder-two in the bucket and nothing else.

If you leave this field blank, the user will be able to access everything in the bucket.

Request access to a bucket

To gain access to a bucket (warehouse data source or webapp data source), you must be added to the relevant data access group.

If you know an admin of the bucket you require access to, you should ask them to add you to the data access group.

If you do not know any of the admins of the bucket you require access to, you can find a list of the GitHub usernames of all bucket admins on the Warehouse Data page of Control Panel (scroll down the page), or contact the Analytical Platform team via Slack, GitHub or email (

If all bucket admins are unavailable (e.g. have left the MoJ), the Analytical Platform team will be able to grant you access to the datasource if the request is approved by your line manager.

When requesting access to a bucket, you should specify the name of the bucket and the level of access you require. You should only request access to data that you have a genuine business need to access and should only request the lowest level of access required for you to complete your work. You may be required to demonstrate the business need for you to access a bucket if requested by a bucket admin or an information asset owner (IAO).

Manage access to a bucket

Bucket admins can manage access to warehouse data sources and webapp data sources in the Analytical Platform Control {anel. You cannot manage access to buckets directly in the Amazon S3 console.

To manage access to a data source:

  1. Go to the Analytical Platform Control Panel.
  2. Select the Warehouse data tab or the Webapp data tab, as relevant.
  3. Select the name of the data source you want to manage.

To add a new user to the data access group:

  1. Type the user’s GitHub username into the input field labelled Grant access to this data to other users.
  2. Select the user from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the required data access level.
  4. Either leave the ‘Paths’ field blank or enter a list of paths to provide restricted access, as described in the section above.
  5. Select Grant access.

To edit the access level of a user:

  1. Select Edit access level next to the name of the user.
  2. Select required data access level.
  3. Either leave the ‘Paths’ field blank or enter a list of paths to provide restricted access, as described in the section above.
  4. Select Save.

To remove a user from the data access group:

  1. Select Edit access level next to the name of the user.
  2. Select Revoke access.

Interacting with Amazon S3 via the Analytical Platform

You can upload files to Amazon S3 from your local computer or download files from Amazon S3 to your local computer using below tools

  • Amazon S3 console
  • RStudio
  • JupyterLab

When uploading files to Amazon S3, you should ensure that you follow all necessary information governance procedures. In particular, you must complete a data movement form when moving any data onto the Analytical Platform.

Downloading the data from Amazon S3 to your local machine is also considered as data movement and therefore needs to be managed as such in accordance with the necessary information governance procedures, particularly for Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Your options

This section presents a comparison of the various tools available for accessing Amazon S3 on each platform; further details on setup and usage are given below.

AWS Console

The AWS S3 Console is a browser-based GUI tool. You can use the Amazon S3 console to view an overview of an object. The object overview in the console provides all the essential information for an object in one place.

For further details, see the guide further down the page.


There are two main options for interacting with files stored in AWS S3 buckets on the Analytical Platform via RStudio: Rs3tools and botor. Either of these options works well on the Analytical Platform, and you should pick whichever best suits your use-case.

Rs3tools is an R-native community-developed MoJ project which consists of a set of helper tools to access Amazon S3 buckets on the Analytical Platform.

The installation process for botor takes longer as it requires a Python environment (botor is a wrapper around Python’s boto3 library). However, it contains a larger range of functionality.

Generally, we recommend using Rs3tools unless there is a specific need for the additional functionality in botor.

You may also see mentions of another tool, s3tools. s3tools is now deprecated and has been replaced by Rs3tools.More information is available in this ADR Record

Most of the original functionality is available via Rs3tools, so this is a good replacement if you are looking to update older code that relied on the s3tools package. If you need the additional functionality available in botor, we have published a guide to migration.

In addition, an RStudio plugin, s3browser is available if you only want to browse your files.

For further details, see the relevant sections for Rs3tools, botor and s3browser.


The main options for interacting with files stored in AWS S3 buckets on the Analytical Platform via JupyterLab are :

  • Reading files : pandas , mojap-arrow-pd-parser
  • Downloading / Uploading files : boto3

Installation and usage

Amazon S3 Console

You can use the Amazon S3 Console to upload/download files from/to your local computer (for example, personal or shared storage on DOM1 or Quantum) only.

To upload files using the Amazon S3 Console:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console using your Analytical Platform account.
  2. Select Services from the menu bar.
  3. Select S3 from the drop down menu.
  4. Select the bucket and folder you want to upload files to.
  5. Select Upload.
  6. Select Add files or drag and drop the files you want to upload.
  7. Select Upload.

Downloading a file using the Amazon S3 Console follows a similar process:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from the list above.
  2. Navigate to the bucket and select the file you want to download.
  3. Select Download or Download as as appropriate.

You can also directly navigate to a bucket in the AWS S3 Console by selecting Open on AWS in the Analytical Platform Control Panel.



To install Rs3tools follow the guidance on their homepage.

To upload files using Rs3Tools

Writing files to S3

Rs3tools::write_file_to_s3("my_downloaded_file.csv", "alpha-everyone/delete/my_downloaded_file.csv", overwrite=TRUE)  # if file already exists, you recieve an error. overwrite=True enables it to overwrite the file

Writing a dataframe to S3 in csv format

Rs3tools::write_df_to_csv_in_s3(dataframe_name, "alpha-everyone/delete/iris.csv", overwrite =TRUE)

Downloading a file from S3 using Rs3Tools

Rs3tools::download_file_from_s3("alpha-everyone/s3tools_tests/iris_base.csv", "my_downloaded_file.csv", overwrite =TRUE)

You will need to use the package manager renv to install botor. To get started with renv, see our guidance on the RStudio package management page.

Then, go ahead with the botor installation (this is slightly different from the guidance on botor‘s website as we use the renv package manager):

renv::use_python()    ## at the prompt, choose to use python3

Restart the session (Ctrl+Alt+F10 on a Windows machine). And then:


botor contains two functions for downloading or reading files from Amazon S3:


For example, to write a dataframe to csv, run the following code:

s3_write(your_df, write.csv, "s3://your_bucket/your_key.csv")

To read files, use one of the following:


And use as follows:

your_df <- s3_read(read.csv, "s3://your_bucket/your_key.csv")

You can find out more about how to use these and other functions in the Migrating to botor appendix, the botor documentation or by using the help operator in RStudio (for example, ?botor::s3_write).


You can install s3browser by running the following code:


To open the browser, run:


You can find out more about how to use s3browser on GitHub.


You can read/write directly from s3 using pandas. However, to get the best representation of the column types in the resulting Pandas dataframe(s), you may wish to use mojap-arrow-pd-parser.


mojap-arrow-pd-parser provides easy csv, jsonl and parquet file readers. To install in terminal:

pip install arrow-pd-parser

To read/write a csv file from s3:

from arrow_pd_parser import reader, writer

# Specifying the reader Both reader statements are equivalent and call the same readers under the hood df1 ="s3://bucket_name/data/all_types.csv", file_format="csv") df2 ="s3://bucket_name/data/all_types.csv")

# You can also pass the reader args to the reader as kwargs df3 ="s3://bucket_name/data/all_types.csv", nrows = 2) # The writer API has the same functionality writer.write(df1, file_format="parquet") writer.parquet.write(df1)

mojap-arrow-pd-parser infers the file type from the extension, so for example"s3://bucket_name/file.parquet") would read a parquet file without need for specifying the file type.

The package also has a lot of other functionality including specifying data types when reading (or writing). More details can be found in the package README.


You can use any of the pandas read functions (for example, read_csv or read_json) to download data directly from Amazon S3. This requires that you have installed the pandas and s3fs packages. To install these, run the following code in a terminal:

python -m pip install pandas s3fs

As an example, to read a CSV, you should run the following code:

import pandas as pd

Here, you should substitute bucket_name with the name of the bucket and key with the path of the object in Amazon S3.


You can also download or read objects using the boto3 package.

You can install boto3 by running the following code in a terminal:

pip install boto3

To download a file from Amazon S3, you should use the following code:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.Object('bucket_name', 'key').download_file('local_path')

If you receive an ImportError, try restarting your kernel, so that Python recognises your boto3 installation.

Here, you should substitute 'bucket_name' with the name of the bucket, 'key' with the path of the object in Amazon S3 and local_path with the local path where you would like to save the downloaded file.

To upload a file to Amazon S3, you should use the following code:

#Upload sample contents to s3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
data = b'This is the content of the file uploaded from python boto3'
response =s3.put_object(Bucket= your_bucket_name,Body= data,Key= file_name)
print('AWS response code for uploading file is '+str(response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']))

You can find more information in the package documentation.

AWS Data Wrangler

You can also use AWS Wrangler to work with data stored in Amazon S3.

More information can be found in the product documentation.

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This page was set to be reviewed before 22 September 2022 by the page owner #analytical-platform-support. This might mean the content is out of date.