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How to use Ollama on Visual Studio Code

  1. Start a terminal session and then execute the following command to start Ollama:

ollama serve

ollama serve

  1. Start a second terminal session (in Visual Studio Code click the + symbol at the top right of the terminal) and then execute:

ollama run llama3

ollama run

The first time you execute a run it will download the model which may take some time. Subsequent runs will be much faster as they do not need to re-download the model. You can view the models which you have downloaded with the ollama list command.

Now you can interact with the model in the terminal in a chat-like fashion as demonstrated below:

ollama query

To query the model, input text after the >>> characters and hit enter.

This example uses llama3 but other models are available in the Ollama Library.

This page was last reviewed on 1 May 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 1 July 2022 by the page owner #analytical-platform-support .