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Accessing private repositories from GitHub Actions

This feature is currently experimental and only applies to moj-analytical-services

There are use cases where projects need to consume other private projects in GitHub Actions. Traditionally, this has meant project teams must generate deploy keys or personal access tokens (PAT). However, this adds the overhead of managing these secrets.

The Analytical Platform team has installed Octo STS to alleviate the requirement for deploy keys or personal access tokens.

To make use of this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create an Octo STS definition in the repository you want to consume

    .github/chainguard/${IDENTITY}.sts.yaml where ${IDENTITY} is a reference to your repository, e.g. .github/chainguard/airflow-create-a-pipeline.sts.yaml

    This example gives all workflow on all branches access to read contents.

    subject_pattern: repo:moj-analytical-services/airflow-create-a-pipeline:.*
      contents: read
  2. Retrieve the token in repository you consuming the private repository from

    - name: Obtain Octo STS Token
      uses: octo-sts/action@6177b4481c00308b3839969c3eca88c96a91775f # v1.0.0
      id: octo_sts
        scope: moj-analytical-services/private-repository # Reference to repository you you want to consume
        identity: airflow-create-a-pipeline               # Reference to ${IDENTITY}
  3. You can then use the output token to clone the repository

    - name: Checkout moj-analytical-services/private-repository
      id: checkout_private_repo
      uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7
        token: ${{ steps.octo_sts.outputs.token }}
        repository: moj-analytical-services/private-repository
        path: private-repository
This page was last reviewed on 27 August 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 27 August 2025 by the page owner #analytical-platform-support .