Airflow Instructions
These instructions will show you how to build and run a standard Airflow pipeline based on a Kubernetes operator in the dev environment. You will first complete the two deployment pipelines to build and save a docker image to ECR, as well as create a DAG and IAM role. You can use the provided scripts, DAG and IAM policy to create an “example pipeline” which will write the word “Hello” to a file and upload to an S3 bucket. Alternatively you can define your own scripts, DAG and IAM policy. You will then run the Airflow pipeline.
Slack Account Channel: #ask-data-engineering
Create image and save to ECR
See Image pipeline
Create DAG and IAM Role
Run the Airflow Pipeline
Log in to the dev Airflow UI
Find your DAG. In the case of the example pipeline it will be called {username}.write_to_s3
Toggle the DAG unpause the DAG
Trigger the DAG
Click on the DAG to open the tree view
Click on the GRAPH tab to see the graph view and wait until it goes green. This should take up to a minute for the example pipeline
Click on the task and log to see the log output
If you have permission and running the example pipeline, go the S3 directory s3://alpha-everyone/airflow-example and check that a file called test.txt has been created in the {username} folder