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⚠️ This service is in beta ⚠️

This page is intended to help users self-diagnose errors. Please check here first and then, if necessary, ask in our slack channel #ask-data-modelling, providing context. If you discover new errors and/or solutions please post on slack or edit this document and raise a PR.


dbt artefacts

When dbt runs it generates artefacts. The most useful of these to you will be the logs in the ./mojap_derived_tables/logs/ directory and compiled SQL in the ./mojap_derived_tables/target/ directory. Compiled SQL can be useful when debugging errors as error messages will often refer to the line number in the compiled SQL and not that in your model file.

General troubleshooting tips

  • When you deploy dev models via the MoJ Analytical Platform logs are created locally in mojap_derived_tables/logs/dbt.log. This file details each step of the run and is useful for debugging.
  • The logs for dev and prod models deployed via GitHub actions are stored temporariliy in the S3 bucket mojap-derived-tables, and are accessible under standard_database_access.
  • dbt clean cleans out the local logs and target folders; it is good practise to start a session with a clean slate.
  • Under mojap_derived_tables/target there exist compiled and run folders containing a duplicate folder structure as under mojap_derived_tables. Here you can find your SQL code as compiled (with the Jinja rendered) and the DDL/DML run code. You can test each of these in Athena to check your SQL works as expected.
  • Testing your code in Athena will also highlight any read access permission issues.
  • All file names and paths should be lowercase.

Delete dev models instructions

During development you may need to clear out any dev models you have created from the MoJ Analytical Platform and start afresh. To do this you will need to delete the Glue tables, Glue database and the data in S3, via the AWS Console.

⚠️ Note that anyone with write access to a domain also has permission to delete from that domain, so please exercise caution. ⚠️

Sign in to the AWS Console as an alpha_user (sign in with GitHub as you would for Analytical Platform Control Panel).

NB: You may not have permission to access AWS Glue and action steps 1 and 2, if you do great (as this is tidier), if not, please proceed from step 3.

  1. AWS Glue → Data Catalog → Tables: Delete the Glue tables from the Glue catalog.
  2. AWS Glue → Data Catalog → Databases: Delete the Glue database if necessary; the database may contain someone else’s tables that you don’t want to delete; also if you delete all the tables in a database it will automatically disappear.
  3. S3 → mojap-derived-tables bucket → dev/ → models/: In S3 delete from the lowest level first; objects, tables, database; this makes sure there are no orphaned objects floating about and that you don’t unintentionally delete a database containing someone else’s work as well as your own.
  4. Run dbt clean to delete local run artefacts before reattempting to deploy models.

Troubleshooting list

CSV file won’t upload to GitHub from RStudio

You have uploaded a CSV file into your local directory within RStudio on the Analytical Platform and pushed changes to the remote on GitHub, then you notice that the CSV file is not there. This is due to Analytical Platform RStudio settings designed to prevent accidental data exposure. Override instructions. Alternatively, upload via the GitHub GUI.

Can’t find profiles.yml error

  • Check you are in the mojap_derived_tables directory before running any dbt command.

Can’t find dbt_project.yml error

  • Check you are in the mojap_derived_tables directory before running any dbt command.

Source access - database does not exist error

  • For create-a-derived-table to be able to use an MoJ Analytical Platform database as a source it must be added to the list of sources. If a requied source is not listed contact #ask-data-modelling and ask for it to be added.

Resource access - permission denied error

  • The resource list in your project access config file in data-engineeering-database-access must include both the source databases as referenced in the database access folder and any domains within create-a-derived-table that you wish to have read or write access to. For example resources: - source_database_a/full - create_a_derived_table/domain_a - create_a_derived_table/domain_b

Problems with other models - does not exist error

  • you are getting fail errors on dev deployment pointing to models other than those you are working on.
  • this can be due to these models having been successfully deployed to prod and now the dev versions have expired, however the dev tests all still run
  • current fix is to redeploy to dev the models causing the problem
  • run dbt run test locally to check all tests pass before creating a PR.
  • Update - this error should no longer occur; the dev workflow now checks if the models and seeds that a test depends on exist before trying to run them, any that do not are excluded. All tests run in prod.

Overwrite error in dev - HIVE_PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS

HIVE_PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS: Target directory for table ‘database_name_dev_dbt.table_name’ already exists: s3://mojap-derived-tables/dev/models/domain_name=domain_name/database_name=database_name_dev_dbt/table_name=table_name. 
  • Normally when you redeploy a model the model is overwritten (unless you are using incremental strategy). However, sometimes, when developing code, things can get messy and you may need to manually delete the Glue database and tables from the Glue catalogue and the corresponding underlying data in the mojap-derived-tables S3 bucket. See Delete dev models instructions.
  • More info from AWS knowledge centre

If you use the external_location parameter in the CTAS query, then be sure to specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location that’s empty. The Amazon S3 location that you use to store the CTAS query results must have no data. When you run your CTAS query, the query checks that the path location or prefix in the Amazon S3 bucket has no data. If the Amazon S3 location already has data, the query doesn’t overwrite the data.

May need to delete data at dbt-query-dump

You may need to manually clean the data at location ‘s3://dbt-query-dump/tables/...’ before retrying. Athena will not delete data in your account.
  • Note may; this suggestion is usually unhelpful, and the location suggested may not exist.
  • Check your local logs under create-a-a-derived-table/mojap_derived_tables/logs/dbt.log
  • However, it may help to delete your Glue database and tables from the Glue catalogue and the corresponding underlying data in the mojap-derived-tables S3 bucket, see Delete dev models instructions.

Query exhausted resources at this scale factor

From StackOverflow, here.

Athena is just an EMR cluster with hive and prestodb installed. The problem you are facing is: Even if your query is distributed across X number of nodes, the ordering phase must be done by just a single node, the master node in this case. So, you can order as much data as the master node has memory.

This may be ameliorated with parallelisation/threading using a macro; example here.

Partial parse save file not found

  • Not an error; simply a statement that there is no pre-existing attempt to parse models and a full parse must be done.

Database ‘mojap’ does not exist

create schema if not exists database_name_dev_dbt
Athena adapter: Error running SQL: macro create_schema
create schema if not exists database_name_dev_dbt
Athena adapter: Error running SQL: macro create_schema
Runtime Error
  Runtime Error
    FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10072]: Database does not exist: mojap

This error appears to be an issue with dbt-athena failing to create the required database name; mojap is set as the default database name (and does not exist) hence the final error. This may occur when a user attempts an unsupported action; please note that the dbt-athena adapter we are using does not support full dbt functionality, see the dbt-athena repo README. When this issue first occured it seemed to jinx a particular database name, and the code worked fine under a different database name.

Is sqlfuff up to date?

 Analytical Platform --no-verify flag in when uploading more than 5MB CSVs

This page was last reviewed on 15 September 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 15 September 2023 by the page owner #ask-data-modelling .