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Quick Reference

⚠️ This service is in beta ⚠️

This page is intended to give users who have read through the detailed sections of the create-a-derived-table user guidance a quick reference to refresh their memory. Please post suggestions for improvements in our slack channel #ask-data-modelling, or edit this document and raise a pull request.



Glossary of key words in the context of create-a-derived-table / dbt.

  • _dim: dimension model suffix naming convention.
  • _fct: fact model suffix naming convention.
  • _stg: staging model suffix naming convention.
  • .yaml: preferred YAML file extension (rather than .yml).
  • create-a-derived-table: MoJ tool to create derived tables and serve them in AWS Athena.
  • dbt: data build tool open source software which create-a-derived-table is built on.
  • dbt-athena: an open source community built dbt adapter to allow dbt to work with AWS Athena. MoJ currently uses its own fork.
  • model: more or less synonymous with table.
  • run_artefacts: files created when models are compiled or run.
  • seed: lookup table.
  • source: any table on the MoJ Analytical Platform not created by create-a-derived-table which may be used as a starting point to derived models.
  • table: tabular data in the usual sense; also the default materialisation type for a model.

Set up

This list comprises everything you need to do and consider to get set up and ready to start building models collaboratively. It is intended as a quick check or reference list and assumes you have read the detailed instructions in each section of the create-a-derived-table user guidance. See Troubleshooting if you have any problems.

  1. Read the detailed create-a-derived-table user guidance.

  2. Check your use case is appropriate; you may contact the Data Modelling team for advice at #ask-data-modelling.

  3. Decide an appropriate domain within create-a-derived-table for your project.

  4. Decide on naming conventions for your models in the form database_name__table_name, note separation using __ (“dunder”). Database name must be unique within MoJ.

  5. Set up an MoJ Analytical Platform account.

  6. Add your alpha_user name to standard_database_access and raise a PR. This grants access to the create_a_derived_table/basic resource, which includes access to the general domain, seeds and run_artefacts.

  7. Create a project access file for your project in data-engineering-database-access/project_access.

  8. In the project access file under Resources include the create-a-derived-table domains required to write models to, as well as the source databases you will be buildung models from. Full instructions here.

  9. If an MoJ Analytical Platform database is not listed as a source in source_database_names.txt then you can add it, see Adding a new source.

  10. Set up an Interactive Development Environment (IDE); set up a project and clone the repo into it. See Set up an IDE for GUI instructions. Using Terminal navigate to where you want the create-a-derived-table project to sit and run git clone

  11. Navigate to the create-a-derived-table directory in Terminal and set up a Python virtual environment; activate it, upgrade pip, and install requirements. See Setting up a Python virtual environment and Virtual environment set up.

  12. Use Github Workflow method to collaborate on a project. Branch off main and create a main branch for your project, project-name-main; all subsequent developers should branch off project-name-main to create feature branches for this project. When raising a PR ensure you merge into this branch, before merging into main; the PR summary should read something like “github-user wants to merge X commits into project-name-main from project-name-feature-branch”. See also Collaborating with Git and Git commands.

You are now ready to start building models collaboratively with create-a-derived-tbale. If you have any problems please check Troubleshooting, or ask at #ask-data-modelling providing context and links if appropriate.

Virtual environment set up

Clone the create-a-derived-table repository

git clone moj-analytical-services/create-a-derived-table.git

Ensure you are in the root directory create-a-derived-table.

Set up and activate a Python virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-lint.txt

Set up and source the Bash profile

echo "export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=../.dbt/" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Set up dbt

cd mojap_derived_tables
dbt debug
dbt deps

Git commands

Some useful bash and git commands.

cd path/to/root navigate to the create-a-derived-table (root) directory of the repository
cd .. go up one directory
cd ~ go to the top level directory (this may be create-a-derived-table)
ls list directory contents
git clone clone the repo
git branch check which of your local branches you are on
git branch -a list all local and remote branches
git switch main switch to the main branch
git fetch fetch the latest content from the remote branch (view only)
git pull pull the latest content from the remote, updating the local copy
git checkout -b <new-branch> create a new branch off the current branch
git checkout -b <new-branch> <from-branch> create a new branch off a specific branch
git add path/to/files/ add a direcrtory of files to the staging area
git status check status of current branch and see what files are staged
git commit -m "<descriptive message>" save changes to local repo with a descriptive message
git push origin <new-branch> push local changes to the remote, if the branch doesn’t exist it is created, else it is updated
git fetch origin <other-branch> fetch latest content from a specific branch
git pull origin <other-branch> pull latest content from a specific branch into current branch
git merge origin/<other-branch> merge changes from specific branch into current branch

dbt commands

Remove run artefacts from previous invocations of dbt:

dbt clean

Compile model code which checks SQL and YAML is syntactically correct. The compiled model files will be saved in the corresponding directory under mojap_derived_tables/target/compiled/:

dbt compile --select models/.../path/to/my/models/

Deploy seeds, models and run tests (note models must be deployed before tests can run successfully):

dbt run --select models/.../path/to/my/models/
dbt seed --select seeds/.../path/to/my/seeds/
dbt test --select models/.../path/to/my/models

Build and open a local copy of the dbt docs:

dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve

yamllint commands

To lint a single YAML file or a directory of YAML files navigate to the root directory and run:

yamllint .../path/to/yaml/file.yaml
yamllint .../path/to/yaml/directory/

Validate and reformat YAML using the online YAML Validator tool. Copy/paste code into it and click Go to validate. Note that to pass the YAML linter settings all YAML files must contain a final empty line which may not copy across from the online tool.

sqlfluff commands

To lint a single SQL file or a directory of SQL files navigate to the root directory and run:

sqlfluff lint .../path/to/sql/file.sql
sqlfluff lint .../path/to/sql/directory/

To lint and fix a single SQL file or a directory of SQL files run:

sqlfluff fix .../path/to/sql/file.sql
sqlfluff fix .../path/to/sql/directory/

You are asked to confirm before proceding with the fix as it edits your files.

Moving models to production:

When you are ready to submit a pull request to merge models into the main branch, please check against the following list:

  1. Seamless User Experience: Prepare the models following data modelling good practise, more information here. Consider the following factors to enhance the user experience in terms of how models are presented:
    • Should a model be visible in the same database, or be moved to a staging database?
    • Are the names of databases/tables/columns clear to users?
    • How does the model appear in dbt docs?
  2. Readability: Ensure linting checks pass locally on SQL and YAML code so that code layout meets organisation standards for ease of human readability.
  3. Comprehensive Testing: Ensure that the development models are accompanied by sufficient tests. There are many tests availble at column and table level, as well as the option to create user defined tests, more information here. Confirm these tests pass consistently. This is a critical validation step to provide model quality assurance to consumers.
  4. Successful Deployment in Development: Upon raising a pull request the deploy-dev workflow is triggered. This must complete successfully before any code can be merged into main. You may need to update your branch with the latest from main and resolve any conflicts.
  5. Model Scheduling: Determine the most appropriate scheduling for the model deployment that aligns to upstream deployment pipelines. For example, if the upstream sources are only updated weekly, a daily schedule may be unnecessary. Update the dbt_project.yml using the corresponding schedule tag, more information here. Please note, only models with a declared schedule tag are deployed to production.


  • If you define any variables to inject into your model sql files using {{ var(...) }}, they need to be in the dbt_project.yml file.
This page was last reviewed on 15 September 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 15 September 2023 by the page owner #ask-data-modelling .